In this tutorial, New York-based illustrator Kervin Brisseaux shares his techniques to create a super-powered athlete within an atmosphere that draws on the traditions of sci-fi art, as well as religious iconography such as stained glass windows. Some of the key techniques we will be using include adjustment layers, blending modes, and even Illustrator to create some key elements (though it's possible to follow this without using Illustrator). Feel free to be experimental with your colour values and hues to amplify the overall mood and depth of the piece. Kervin has kindly provided both an Illustrator file of radial lines and a layered version of the final artwork. This is for your reference only and shouldn't be used in any other way. You can find these in this tutorial's project files on our website.
Added on 2010-11-08 06:52:30
Added on 2008-12-17 07:47:09
Added on 2009-11-25 19:38:12