Glows Photoshop Tutorials

There is 3 results.
  • Tutorial Screenshot

    Striking Text Effect Using Glows and Blends

    In this tutorial I’m going to show you how to create the image above using a combination of glows and blends in 7 steps. All the files for this tutorial are at the bottom of this post. I was watching an advert on BBC 2 (in the UK) for the new series of Heroes and it had a great animation of the number 2. Check the BBC2 Heroes website for an idea of what i ... Read More

  • Tutorial Screenshot

    Create dynamic art using glows and lighting effects

    In this tutorial, New York-based illustrator Kervin Brisseaux shares his techniques to create a super-powered athlete within an atmosphere that draws on the traditions of sci-fi art, as well as religious iconography such as stained glass windows. Some of the key techniques we will be using include adjustment layers, blending modes, and even Illustra ... Read More

  • Tutorial Screenshot

    How to Create a Fantasy Photo Manipulation with Fire

    Learn, how to make this fantasy, warm photomanipulation from free stock images. You will know, how to combine background in your photomanipulation, then you will make shadows and lights, then you will create special effects  like particles or glows.

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