Mountain Photoshop Tutorials

There is 3 results.
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    Create a Surreal Upside Down Mountain Painting in Photoshop

    In this tutorial we will demonstrate how to create a surreal upside down mountain illustration using digital painting techniques in Photoshop. This piece was part of SlashThree's latest Paradigm Shift Exhibition. ... Read More

  • Tutorial Screenshot

    Design a Snowy Rock Text Effect in Photoshop

    In this tutorial, I will demonstrate the processes I used to design this snowy rock text effect in Photoshop. The inspiration of this design came from a snowy mountain photo I saw the other day, and I thought I could create a similar text effect which might look interesting! Along the way, we will use various layer blending options, some selection techniq ... Read More

  • Tutorial Screenshot

    Create a Dark Landscape Matte Painting with Photoshop

    In this tutorial I’ll show you how to create a misty landscape matte painting with a dark castle. We’ll create a misty scene with the layered mountains and the light from afar. The main technique here is blending with adjustment layers, masking and brushes. There are something basic you should know about contrast, distance, inten ... Read More