In this tutorial, I will show you a rather useful technique I use in Photoshop to make perfect human selection, which requires the combination of channel mask and the quick selection tool available in Photoshop CS3.
I have received a number of emails lately in regards to this topic and I have decided to post this short tutorial with a step-by-step guide for beginners. Once you master this skill, you can apply it to pretty much every human image you want to selection/extract.
Meanwhile, if you have any tips/tricks about making selections, you’re more than welcome to share your experience with us, just drop a comment below :)
Added on 2014-10-03 18:27:24
Added on 2013-03-26 12:05:25
Added on 2009-12-15 11:49:43
balaji - added August, 22nd 2009
i want to know perfect cutting of human face using channel mask